Discontinued, note motor-testers MT-Pro and USB Autoscope IV
One of the most advanced motor-testers of domestic production — universal motor-tester MotoDoc III — designed for Troubleshooting in various systems of vehicles with petrol engines. The basic kit includes all the necessary sensors for conventional ignition systems with high voltage distributor and the electronic energy distribution (DIS and COP).
MotoDoc III to diagnose the engine with any fuel system - both fuel injected and carbureted. The device is connected to computer, device control, and modes of diagnostics is performed by means of software included in the package.
MotoDoc III is very compact, which allows you to hang it in the engine compartment, the sensors connect to the device with short cables, which increases reliability and immunity to interference, and use them much easier.

The device allows efficient detection of a malfunction in the following systems:
Ignition system
Checking the status of your candles and candle wires (deposits, breakages, breakdowns);
The definition of the modes and malfunctions of the ignition coil (inter-turn short-circuit verification of correct connection, breakdowns);
Diagnosis of sensors of the ignition system (inductive, Hall, optical);
Determination of the angles of ignition timing dynamically (without a strobe) to build a graph of advance angle from the speed.

Fuel system
Electrical injector test (winding short circuit windings of the injectors, the duration of the injection phase, etc.);
Check the operation of sensors (temperature, throttle position, oxygen sensor, etc.);
Check the operation of the actuators (e.g., IAC);
Joint work with all common analyzers (Infrakar, ASKON, AutoTest).
System timing
Measurement of compression in dynamics (when engine running);
Determining the correct installation of the timing belt for the valve timing;
Control of the valves.
The measurement of backpressure on the issue, bandwidth control catalyst;
Measurement vacuum inlet.

Other systems
Check the operation of the generator and the battery charging system.
Additional features
A long period of time recording information (in the oscilloscope mode the recording length is determined by the amount of RAM on the computer, and in the recorder tool — free hard disk space);
Storing information in the database for the selected customer;
Print progress reports and found the information.
The connection with the computer through a network interface (LAN) (while the absolute majority of other automotive oscilloscopes and engine testers use the USB interface, are extremely sensitive to interference and imposes significant restrictions on the length of the wire). Due to this, removed restrictions on the length of the wire, its noise immunity and bandwidth of the interface.
High speed signal processing allows to study in detail all car signals including high-speed CAN bus

Hardware specification
Power supply: 9 - 30 V (built-in system for the determination of polarity connection);
Sampling rate: 10 MHz 1 channel, 5 MHz – 2 channel, 2.5 MHz - 4 channels;
Bandwidth per channel: 1.5 MHz ;
ADC resolution: 12 bits;
The number of observed channels simultaneously: 1,2,3,4;
Measurement range voltage: ±1, ±16, ±160, ±500 In;
Input resistance: 500-1000 ohms;
The presence of a closed input (Channel 1);
Mode high voltage measurement ±25 kV;
Mode pressure sensor: ±1 ATM ±16 bar, ±100 ATM (Channel 1 and 2);
Speed information display: 12-18 frames per second without loss of data;
Type of computer connection: Ethernet 100Mbit;
Operating system: Windows 2000/XP/VISTA.
Maximum, PCs.