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Reading and writing internal and external flash and eeprom memory of ECU with processor Infineon TriCore TC1724, TC1728, TC1738, TC1762, TC1766, TC1767, TC1792, TC1796, TC1797 in BSL mode.
A rough, short list of supported ECU's: BOSCH M(E)17.9.7 (VAZ/UAZ) and ME17, ME (D, G)17, EDC17 (AMG, Audi, BMW, Citroen, Honda, Hyundai, KIA, Land Rover, Mercedes, Mini, Peugeot, Porsche, Renault, Saab, Skoda, Toyota, Volkswagen, Volvo), etc. Special features of the module: calculation of checksums and digital signatures BOSCH, read password protection TPROT 8-10 BOSCH VAG TPROT 11 KIA/Hyundai, TPROT 12 M(E)17.9.71 UAZ, and Siemens/Continental SID208 Ford, Ford EMS2204, SIM2K-24x KIA/Hyundai.